Baruch Dayan HaEmet: Cosmo DiPasquale - Situs Beragam Informasi Aktual


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Baruch Dayan HaEmet: Cosmo DiPasquale

Some three and a half decades ago, as a newbie agent, my then sales manager introduced me to my new-to-me client, Cosmo. He was nothing like I'd have expected of someone in his mid-sixties: vivacious, friendly, fun and just the best sense of humor. And warm, so cordial and welcoming.

A year and a half later I had made the jump to independent agent, and Cosmo came with me. Over the years we helped with his life and business insurance, and more. In recent years, I most often spoke with his beloved daughter Pat.

Yesterday afternoon, I got "the call;" Pat let me know that he'd passed away on Sunday, just a wee bit shy of his 100th birthday.

It's odd to think that this wonderful person, whom I've known since my very first week in this industry, is really gone. And I'm humbled, as well, by the thought that, while I've delivered many claim checks over the years, this will be for one of, if not the, first policies I ever wrote. How many agents can make that claim?

So as Pat and I reminisced, it was difficult for either of us to refrain from crying, but we did share some wonderful memories. One of my fondest was maybe 30 years ago at a local restaurant where Cosmo and a group of friends were playing jazz for Valentine's Day dinner. He invited my better half and me to join him, and he serenaded us for quite a while with his amazing clarinet (or was it the sax?).

He was able to live independently until just very recently, and has been a joy and inspiration to his family, his friends and his community.

He will be missed.

May your memory be for a blessing, Cosmo.

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